
Variables used for the configuration of the API

enum main.vars.Vars(value)

Variables used in the API.

Valid values are as follows:


Variable which will store the local database built from the SDF file of the LipidMaps Structure Database during the launch of the application. It will be a list a dictionnary where each dictionnary will contain 4 keys : LIPIDMAPS_ID, INCHI_KEY, STANDARDIAZED_NAME and SWISSLIPIDS_ID.

METADATA = <Vars.METADATA: {'SHA_1': None, 'SHORT_SHA_1': None, 'TIMESTAMP': None}>

Variable which will store the metadata about the version of the microservice that will be retrieve during the launch of the application.


enum main.vars.Paths(value)

Paths used in the API.

Valid values are as follows:


URL to the SDF file containing the LipidMaps Structure Database.


Relative path to the CSV file containing the lipid class that are supported by the Goslin tool. This file comes from the package pygoslin.

METADATA_JSON = <Paths.METADATA_JSON: './conf/goslin_about.json'>

Relative path to the template JSON file with the metadata of a microservice.

SWAGGER_CONF = <Paths.SWAGGER_CONF: './conf/goslin_doc.yaml'>

Relative path to the YAML configuration file of the Swagger documentation.


URL to the Swagger documentation.